Frequently Asked Questions.

Have a question not listed here? Leave a message at the bottom and I will try to answer it as soon as possible.

What is the PCT?

The Pacific Crest Trail is a long distance hiking trail that stretches from the border of Mexico and California, all the way up through Oregon, Washington and finally into Canada. The length is said to be 2,650 miles, however as trails are always changing this is probably a bit off.  The trail traverses some of the most beautiful countryside on the west coast.

Wait, how long is it?

Wait, how long is it?

How long will it take?

On average the trail takes between 4 to 6 months. I am hoping to start on April 11th and end by mid September.

Have you ever done anything like this before?

Yes, I sort of know what I am getting myself into.  I completed a through hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2008, as well as a 500 mile section hike of the Southern AT in 2012.  Since the completion of my ’08 hike I have been living the dream in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. I am excited about the prospects of a new adventure.

How can you live without showering daily?

Ah yes, well, very easily. While I wont shower everyday, I will shower when I pass a town. This usually happens at least once a week. I will also take advantage of streams and hot springs along the way. However, I am not afraid of a little dirt. The longest I have ever been without a shower was a month. ( I have done this twice, as I was leading a leadership course.) I know, that was more than you probably ever wanted to know about me, but I wear it as a badge of pride. 🙂

How will you carry enough food?

I plan on resupplying as I hike along. I will only take as much food with me to get me through to the next town. The most I will probably have to carry is 11 days worth. Usually, you can get into town every few days if the need arises.

Can I send you mail?

Yes, I would love letters of encouragement. I will be posting a few addresses for mail drops as I go along in the “Care Package” tab. If not, you can always email me and I will connect you to the best ways of going about it.

Are you scared of (insert worst fear here)?

Well sure, there are bears, snakes, and all sorts of other unknown dangers lurking. But why would I let that stop me? Life will happen one way or another. I will do my best to prevent said dangers, but I wont let fear hold me back.

Have you ever read WILD?

Yes, I thought it was a good read. It is not why I choose to hike the PCT however. I have wanted to do this for a while, it just seemed like the year to do it. But I do recommend it for a fun read. Plus I want to be on the trail when the movie comes out ha ha. And NO I am not running away from a drug problem;)

Are you going to carry a gun?

Nope, the only gun I have ever shot was a BB gun with my cousins when I was a kid. I believe the right to bare arms and all that jazz, but I just like Bear Arms better (just not too close to my camp.) The world is a safer place when this girl doesn’t have a gun;)

Why are you carrying a Lego dude that you seem to call Emmit?

My nephew picked out a friend for me to carry along. My nephew loves hiking and Legos, so it seemed to be a good thing to do.  Keeping connected to the youngsters in my life is important. I will be taking pictures and sending notes to my nephew and niece from Emmit. Watch out for the crazy lady with the Lego man on the trail.  🙂

Where can I learn more about the PCT?

The Pacific Crest Trail Association  is a great resource. There are great maps as well as updated trail information.

I love reading your journal, where can I find other hikers to follow?

There are a few sites that I regularly read myself. Not only do you start rooting for your favorites, but you get inspired by their stories. *Caution* this is how I got hooked into long distance hiking in the first place. Please read with caution or you too might find yourself on a trail very soon.

The Journalist: This site is all about PCT hikers, like myself. You can look back on previous years, and maybe even find folks I am hiking with.

Trail Journals: This site mostly hosts AT thru hikers, but also other folks who are hiking trails all around the world. This site is where my original journals were from my first thru hike. (My 2008 AT journal  can be found here.)

Postholer: I’m not as familiar with this site, but know a lot of people use it.

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